1. eBooks
The iPod Touch & iPhone very conveniently have the iBook app, in which you can read books, organize them and even purchase them from iTunes. Their screen is the perfect size for a pocket-size eBook reader.
The iPod classic, iPod nano and all those other iPods with the revolutionary click wheel, do not have an option for reading eBook. Upfront, the closest you'll get to a story is audio-books. However to READ books you can simply import your eBook into your iPod notes. But what's the catch? Each iPod note has a limit of 4 KB. Whereas an average book (in .txt) is 200-300 KB.
So to view the ebook, you have to split your file into a set of 4 KB linked notes. To learn how to do that in steps, click here. Or watch the video below:
2. Documents
To view documents, you're file must once again be in plain text.
Once saved in plain text, check to see if the file is less than 4 kb. If so, you can directly transfer this to your ipod. If not, follow the steps outlined here.
Gone are the days, when you could simply tear out a page from a magazine and tape it to your wall. Since everything is pretty much online these days, the only way to save your favourite articles is to bookmark or print them. I find it pretty useful to copy the main text of the article into a note and save it onto my iPod. I have a neat collection of articles I've found on the internet, and refer to them once in a while.

This content is owned and copyrighted by http://greenfridge.blogspot.com
2. Documents
- If the document is in pdf, you can save as plain text by clicking "File" > Save as text.
- If the document is in Ms Word (.doc), you can save it by clicking "File" > Save as.. In the save window, choose "Plain Text" under the save as type settings.
Once saved in plain text, check to see if the file is less than 4 kb. If so, you can directly transfer this to your ipod. If not, follow the steps outlined here.
3. Recipes
I really like to store recipes on my iPod. You just have to copy and paste the recipes from your favourite websites onto the notepad. It comes out really nicely on the iPod, and since the files are so small, conversion isn't necessary.
4. Webpages, Articles & Blog posts
5. Lectures
Being a student, you always forget that one-off formula or definition. Saving the keynotes of a lecture can be really helpful. This is extremely useful when you have to revise some key notes on-the-go, and don't want to carry a bundle of notes around with you. Just picture all of your lecture notes in the palm of your hand. Portable, Organized & Neat.
Hummm... I save recipes in pdf format on my laptop (sometimes right off the web, other times scanned from magazines). Never even thought about putting them in my iphone which of course would make them so much more practical. Wonder if iphones read pdfs?
Yes, iPhones can read pdfs. You simply add the file in itunes, and then it will transfer to your iphone, the next time you connect. Thanks for the comment. cheers!
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